Max Vinetz

Composer - Bassist

 here (2017)

Flute, Electric Guitar, Electronics

Duration: 6.5’

Commissioned by highSCORE festival, premiered by Unassisted Fold on August 18, 2017

Performed by Ensemble for New Music Tallinn, May 6 2019

program note

here is my response to a world in which we are simultaneously expected to remain calm while emotionally dedicating ourselves to better our surrounding environment. I find that compartmentalization has become increasingly essential to thrive in today’s world. It’s hard to pretend that we’re safe, stable, and happy with surrounding turmoil, especially when voices are silenced in the process. Sometimes I think that the happiest people are the best at compartmentalizing. I try to tell myself that this isn’t necessarily true.

To find the audio sources for this piece, I typed in a few key phrases into youtube, such as "how to be healthy," "how to be happy," and "how to be calm." I also searched video sources that covered recent attacks of terror in both the US and UK.