Max Vinetz

Composer - Bassist

 beat//tact (2021)

Percussion Quartet

Each player - 6 metal pitch pipes (F4, Ab4, Bb4, C5, Db5, Eb5), 3 wooden slats, 1 brake drum, 1 can filled with coins

Duration: 12’

Recorded by Sō Percussion in May 2021

program note

beat: as in microtonal beating, as in a rhythmic beat, as in hitting tact: as in tactile, as in touch, as in thoughtfulness, as in skill

beat//tact is a study in contrasting textures within a simple two-part form. A pulse is felt from the outset of the piece and gradually mutates throughout, eventually evaporating altogether.

Three words I imagined while writing this piece were “scattered”, “focused,” and “free.”